How to remain eco-friendly and shop sustainably at Christmas.

September 19, 2024
How to remain eco-friendly and shop sustainably at Christmas.
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Keeping sustainability at the forefront of your mind during the festive period isn’t always easy, but there are lots of small and simple changes we can make right here at home. By no means are we here to take away the fun, joy and togetherness that Christmas brings, we all have our own wonderful traditions that will live on for generations to come, we simply want to explore different ways we can support a greener future without loosing any of that wonderful festive spirit.

Environmental Factors: Christmas is a time for indulgence, but with indulgence comes huge amounts of waste. This can relate to the amount of food we are producing (and throwing away), Nobody wants to scrimp on their Christmas dinner but perhaps we can think about those delicious Boxing day turkey curry's or bubble and squeak, both recipes are excellent for using up all the leftovers from your previous meal. Another big no no in waste is the form of excess packaging and gift wrap. We all remember the days when we were young when our Mum or Dad was sat there with a black bin bag chucking all the wrapping paper and boxes in together, perhaps this time opt for recycled gift wrap and ensure that you have a separate bag for all your recyclable materials.

Businesses that product and sell sustainable products are more often than not made using energy-efficient methods and by choosing these items you will be lowering your carbon footprint and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with production and transportation.

Support for Ethical Production: Here at Upcycl3 we are passionate about supporting fair labour practices and I’m yet to find a sustainable brand that doesn’t prioritise this and ensure that workers are paid fairly and work in safe and human conditions.

Mindful Consumerism: This Christmas think quality over quantity. Generally speaking sustainable products are made from higher quality materials and therefore last longer, in turn reducing the cycle of buying cheap disposable items that end in landfill and need to be replaced regularly. This more mindful approach to consumption is something we encourage here at Upcycl3.

What sustainable gifts do you buy someone who is eco-conscious and champions zero-waste?

Here at Upcycl3 we focus on sustainable living as much as possible, supporting people to at least be more eco-conscious when planning the best gifts to buy at all year round but especially at Christmas time. Typically, if you are wanting to source sustainable and eco-friendly products then your best bet is to shop from smaller, independent businesses rather than you big conglomerates. It will be easier for you to trace the journey of this product, where it was made, when, what materials were used etc, you will also be able to talk to the business owner about your choices and seek recommendations.

With a whole host of products to choose from it is good to start by considering the interests and values of your eco conscious recipient. What kinds of things are they into? Are they big into skincare? Cleaning addicts? Are they foodies? Do they love the outdoors or perhaps they are into hosting, thinking about what they are into will help guide you to buy a product that they will really love. But remember if you’re going to spend this time ensuring that you’re buying a sustainable product don’t forget to finish it off with some eco-friendly wrapping paper or DIY gift wrap.

To summarise we want to drive a cultural shift towards sustainable shopping. We can set an example by choosing sustainable options, we can inspire friends and family to think about their consumption habits and make more eco-conscious choices. This helps shift the cultural norm towards sustainability, even beyond the holiday season.

Thank you for shopping sustainably. 

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