Gen Z; The driving force behind changing consumer behaviours and the way we approach sustainable shopping.

June 27, 2024
Gen Z; The driving force behind changing consumer behaviours and the way we approach sustainable shopping.
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A recent article by Forbes suggests that consumer awareness is spreading. Reports say 82% of shoppers want brands to embrace sustainable and people-first practices, and Gen-Z is leading the charge. One survey found three-quarters of Zoomer shoppers see sustainability as more important than brand names.

Here at Upcycl3 we were delighted to learn that consumer awareness of sustainability and ethical practices is indeed on the rise. Several key points highlight this shift:

High Consumer Demand for Sustainability:

A significant 82% of shoppers expect brands to adopt sustainable and people-first practices. This statistic underscores the growing consumer demand for ethical business operations that prioritize environmental responsibility and social equity.

Gen Z's Leading Role:

Gen Z (also known as Zoomers) are particularly vocal and influential in this movement. Their purchasing decisions are strongly guided by values such as sustainability and social responsibility, often prioritizing these over brand loyalty or product name recognition.

Survey Insights:

A substantial 75% of Gen Z shoppers believe sustainability is more critical than brand names. This finding highlights a generational shift where ethical considerations outweigh traditional brand prestige.

These insights reflect a broader trend in consumer behavior where ethical considerations are becoming integral to purchasing decisions. Companies that adapt to these preferences by adopting sustainable and people-first practices are likely to gain favor with this growing demographic of conscious consumers.

See full article here; What Recent Trends Say About Sustainable Shopping In 2023 (

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