Dog poo bags; Biodegradable or reused plastic?

September 5, 2024
eco friendly poo bags
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Yesterday, one of our followers asked this question; ‘Have you looked into poo bags? What’s the best way to go – biodegradable or reused plastic?’

As a dog owners ourselves, this is something that is really important to us and typically there is no short answer so we thought we would pop together a simple blog to discuss the pro’s and con’s of both.

Most people are aware of the challenges we are facing around single use plastics and dog owners are looking for a way to clean up effectively whilst still being eco-friendly. The big questions is though; do biodegradable and compostable bags actually have a bigger carbon ‘paw’ print than traditional plastic bags? 

There are so many options to chose from when purchasing your poo bags so here is a brief breakdown of what all the different types mean;

Plastic bags; These are made from virgin plastic and not designed to break down in landfill or by composting.

Recycled plastic bags; Refers to the production of dog poo bags made from post-consumer plastic.

Compostable/biodegradable bags; These are usually made from materials such as flax or bamboo, which, under the right conditions, will rot down to become organic matter. However, these are only beneficial if you are composting them correctly ie, used for non edible plants etc. If you through these bags in your regular dog bin then they will be thrown into landfill and not have the correct environmental factors to break down sustainably.

Reusable bags; Doesn’t sound particularly pleasant does it! But much like the rise in reusable or ‘cloth’ nappies these are an eco-friendly solution (just make sure they are being cleaned effectively!)


Plastic bags
Are there any??
End up in landfill
Produce harmful methane gases
Often left in hedgerows and by bins
Recycled plastic bags
Low carbon footprint
Virgin plastic is not used in manufacturing
Easy to dispose of
Not made from renewables
Will not decompose unless in correct composting environment
Compostable/biodegradable bags
Made from renewables
Creates use again compost
High carbon footprint
Need a composter
Won’t break down in landfill
 Reusable bags
Cost effective after first time purchase
Need to be cleaned effectively
Can be time consuming


So, as mentioned at the beginning, this is not a simple or short answer! Despite various eco-friendly and environmental buzzwords being attached to poo bags, it is not an easy problem to solve. The key here is to look at your own situation and see what works best for you; for example there is no point in buying compostable poo bags with the aim of being eco - friendly if you don’t have a composter at home. Be honest and realistic with what works for you.

Hopefully this has given you some insight and armed you with a bit of knowledge that will help you navigate the pet shop shelves.

Don’t forget to look for recycled, or better still no packaging to lessen the impact on the environment.

Check out our website to learn more and see our full product range. 

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